You know when you have realizations that just shake your whole foundation, forcing into question your approach to your entire existence? Well, mine maybe wasn't that inspired, but recently, I started to question my approach to writing. Until now, everything I've written has been wordy and complicated and that was purposeful. I figured the more words I squeeze into a stanza, the more interesting it was. Although, while sometimes that works, sometimes you just got to slow down and learn how to linger. Lingering works beyond music too. If you can push yourself to settle and step away from the busy-ness of everything, you might just enjoy the ease. You might notice what's in front of you and actually be part of it for once. That's what I'm trying to do with music these days, learning how not to rush, so I can be part of it. With that said, I wrote this song last week called 'Break Down' and it was my attempt at slowing my own pulse, bringing the emotion to a simmer (at least for part of the time). I hope you like it.
To hear the song click here ---> 'Break Down' (demo)
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